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Tourism Knowledge Links

This page contain links which are relevant to Tourism Knowledge Portal
United Nations World Tourism Organisation - a leading Tourism organisation that offers leadership to the Sector and   promotes knowledge generation and Tourism policies Worldwide.
Organisation for Economic Development and Development - provides a forum where governments work together to promote policies that improve economic and social wellbeing of people around the world.
Statistics South Africa – is responsible for collection, production and dissemination of official and other statistics.
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa – is a non profit organisation that promotes sustainable tourism development.
Regional Tourism Organisation of Southern Africa is a SADAC body responsible for marketing and promoting tourism in the region.
World Travel & Tourism Council is a forum for business leaders in Travel and Tourism industry which raises awareness of Tourism as one of the largest industries.
T 20  is a member driven initiative, with a support from UNWTO to offer a platform to Tourism Ministers to speak in a coordinated manner on many global issues affecting tourism development.
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development  is a new intervention spearheaded by African leaders to enhance Africa’s growth, development and participation in the global economy.
South Africa Info  is a Brand South Africa site offering general country information in South Africa context.
World Federation of Tourists Guide Association  is a non profit federation whose main purpose is to promote market and ensure that tourist guides are recognized as the ambassadors of a region.
Parliamentary Monitoring Group  an information service aims to provide accurate, objective, and current information on all parliamentary committee proceedings in the form of detailed, unofficial minutes and documents
International Civil Aviation Organization is a global forum for 191 Member States to develop policies and standards, resolve strategic directions on critical issues.
International Air Transport Association (IATA)  is the trade association of airlines which aims to represent, lead and serve the airline industry.
World Trade Organization  is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.
World Health Organization is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters.
Tourism Business Council of SA (TBCSA) is an organisation set up by the tourism businesses to engage with government in setting up an enabling environment for tourism development. is a site that offers free access to South African legislation, policy documents and daily political news.