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A total of 1 040 534 international tourist arrivals were recorded for January 2017, which is an increase of 2.8% (27 893) compared to the same month of the previous year (see Figure 1 and Table 1).

Figure 1: Total International Tourist Arrivals Jan 2017 vs. Jan 2016



Table 1 provides the regional tourism performance for South Africa's international tourist arrivals.

December 2016 compared to January 2017

Comparing January 2017 to December 2016 (refer to Table 1) there was a 7.8%
(75 427) increase in international tourist arrivals in January 2017 compared to December 2016. Performance by Region shows that the Middle East increased by 28.1% followed by Asia (18.8%), South America (11.4%), and Africa (Air and Land) by 13%. There was a decline in Australasia (37.3%), North America (24.7%) and Europe (3.7%).

Table 1: Comparison of international tourist arrivals by regions


December 2016 compared to

 January 2017


Jan 2016 Compared to Jan 2017









EUROPE167 173160 913142 033
NORTH AMERICA38 14828 73426 962
CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA9 31410 3755 332
AUSTRALASIA16 02210 05210 023
ASIA24 12928 67525 007
MIDDLE EAST4 9386 3255 546
AFRICA (Air and Land)701 458792 669794 656
OVERSEAS TOTAL259 724245 074214 903
TOTAL AFRICA (Total Africa Land+ Africa Air+ Indian Ocean Islands) 704 297794 677797 050
GRAND TOTAL965 1071 040 5341 012 641


January 2017 compared to January 2016

When comparing January 2017 to January 2016, an increase in international tourist arrivals is evident for most regions. International tourist arrivals from overseas increased by 14% (from 214 903 to 245 074) while international tourist arrivals from Total Africa declined by 0.3% (from 797 050 to 794 677). Central and South America increased by 94.6%, followed by Asia (14.7%), Middle East (14%), Europe (13.3%) and North America (6.6%). Africa (including air and land regions) declined by 0.3%.

Table 2: South Africa's Top 20 Source Markets: January 2017 vs. January 2016

 JANUARY  2016JANUARY  2017  
Rank Country Tourist Arrivals CountryTourist Arrivals % Growth Rank
1Zimbabwe250 514Zimbabwe244 966-2.21
2Lesotho209 403Lesotho227 0318.42
3Mozambique145 775Mozambique137 972-5.43
4Swaziland75 176Swaziland72 685-3.34
5UK46 264UK48 1654.15
6Botswana44 458Botswana40 604-8.76
7Germany28 944Germany33 41315.47
8USA21 786USA23 2896.98
9Namibia17 033France15 72534.19
10Zambia13 758Namibia15 711-7.810
11Malawi12 282Malawi14 8562111
12Netherlands11 980Netherlands14 34619.712
13France11 728Zambia13 404-2.613
14China (including Hong Kong)9 420China (including Hong Kong)12 08328.314
15Australia8 508Australia8 7623.015
16India6 638Sweden7 23328.616
17Sweden5 625Switzerland6 55420.817
18Angola5 565India6 293-5.218
19Switzerland5 424Brazil6 11411319
20Nigeria5 381Angola5 7202.820


Comparing January 2017 with January 2016, Zimbabwe remained the largest African source market for international tourist arrivals for South Africa while Namibia dropped from the 09th to 10th position and Zambia from 10th to 13th position. Angola became a new entry replacing Nigeria in the top 20 source markets in January 2017.

For the Overseas source markets for international tourist arrivals, January 2017 compared to January 2016, the United Kingdom (UK) remained the largest overseas market while France replaced Namibia by moving up from the13th to 09th position. Sweden moved up from the 17th to 16th position, Switzerland from 19th to 17th position, India dropped from the 16th to 18th position and China (including Hong Kong) from the 15th to 16th in the top twenty countries' list. In addition, Brazil moved into the top 20 markets as South Africa's 19th largest source market for international tourist arrivals.