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 LIBRARY Customer Service Charter

​1. Purpose
The Department of Tourism library is geared towards servicing the information needs of its primary, Secondary and tertiary users such as: the head office personnel, stakeholders, researchers and students: To provide guidance on the functioning of the library. To ensure a standardized approach to knowledge management within the tourism sector and to promotes creative, effective and efficient universal access to information. To support National Department of Tourism (NDT) vision to establish and facilitate information dissemination and foster knowledge management in the tourism sector.
2. Services
We offer the following core Services
2.1 Resources
The library consists of materials of various formats and subjects, for example Books, Media Collection, Newspapers, Periodicals, Reference, Special collection, Journals, Government publications, Online databases.
2.2 Circulation
The library lends material to registered patrons and to other libraries through Inter-library loans. The lending period varies from 2 days, 14 days and 28 days depending on the type of material and can be renewed twice if there are no reservations.
3. Clients
Minister and Deputy Minister
National Department of Tourism officials
The public / other research institutions may use library re-sources for research objectives but will not be allowed to borrow material.
Requests for copies by the public will be restricted to research material and for bona fide research assignments only.
Government Departments
4. Our Commitment
The National Department of Tourism Library is dedicated to the provision of a high level of information and knowledge service as we believe that access to information is a human right. The aim is to fulfil the role of free flow of information and exchange of ideas necessary for debate and research in a democracy has to be affirmed. The provision of books and other media for leisure and personal exploration and fulfillment will re- main a central part of the mission of National Department of Tourism Library. Support the vision and mission of the Department through the provision of data and information.
5. About us
The National Department of Tourism Library is a knowledge resource centre which was established to offer departmental officials as well as external stakeholders a valuable information hub dealing with diverse tourism concepts.
The library features a wealth of new material, both in print and electronic formats. This wealth of information gives managers, researchers, students, and members of the private sector, the edge. The library has an on-line public access catalogue which allows users to view available library material. An inter-library loan service provides users with access to material at other libraries. The use of library material by external users is afforded only through the inter-library loan service.
5.1 Library hours
Library operating hours are 08h00 – 16h30. Inquiries may be directed to:
6. How to join the library
Membership is free, all officials of the National Department of Tourism are automatically members of the library and are allowed to make use of the services provided by the library
New users will be required to complete a registration form thereafter, Information material can be issued upon producing of the National Department of Tourism Identification card for administration purposes;
Researchers and students / private sector / other research institutions / Departments can make use the resources in the library National Department of Tourism but are not allowed to borrow any material from the library; and
Other Government Departments can make use of the resources through the inter-library loan system.
7. Our Contract standards
  • You can submit an online inquiry using our library email:
  • You can call the library during library opening hours (08:00-16:30)
  • Personal contact—we aim to resolve face-to-face inquiries immediately. When it is not possible, we may phone or write to you with a response.
7.1 Customer care
The library has a facility were officials and external stakeholders can contact us when they require our services during working hours. Librarians introduce themselves when serving clients all the time.
7.2 Complain resolution process
Complaints are acknowledged in writing immediately upon receipt. Verbal queries are attended and responded to immediately. Your feedback helps us monitor and improve our service.
7.3 NDT Stakeholders
The Library ensure to include the NDT Stakeholders to all strategic decisions of the library as well as all prescripts as outlined in Government policy and regulations and this Policy

Employees of the department can click on the link below to visit the library website.​
visit library 