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At the National Department of Tourism we measure success not only in the visitor numbers, but in the experiences we create, the new opportunities for meaningful employment and growth and the understanding that is fostered between people from different backgrounds and different corners of the world and our tourist guides play an integral role in this.

Tourist Guides are often one of the first people to welcome tourists and the last to bid them farewell. Their role is to enhance our visitors' experience and be ambassadors for South Africa as a tourist destination.

According to the Tourism Act No. 3 of 2014, a tourist guide means any person registered as such under section 50 and who for reward accompanies any person who travels within or visits any place within the Republic and who furnishes such person with information or comments. In South Africa, tourist guides must be registered in accordance with the prescripts of the law.

There are three categories of tourist guides in South Africa namely:

  • National Guide,
  • Provincial Guide and
  • Site Guide

Furthermore, there are three main areas of specialisation for tourist guides namely: Nature, Culture and Adventure.

Nature ​Guiding

These are tourist guides that interpret the natural heritage of sites to tourists and to educate them about the different aspects of a particular area. Nature guides are knowledgeable about the natural environment including in-depth knowledge about the flora and fauna of a particular area. A nature guide may specialise in certain fields i.e. conservation area, national parks, nature trails etc.

Culture Guiding

These are tourist guides that conduct tours with emphasis on cultural heritage and to educate them about the different aspects of a particular area. A cultural guide may specialise in certain fields i.e. art, township history, cultural experiences in rural villages, museums, historic buildings etc.

Adventure Guiding

Adventure guides specialise in outdoor recreational activities offering different levels of challenge with an element of risk.