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Lilizela Awards

Lilizela Awards for VIC

"The Lilizela Tourism Awards honour and celebrate those who make a remarkable impact on tourism in South Africa" The South African Tourism, in its capacity as South Africa's national tourism marketing agency is the custodian of this event and all the Lilizela Tourism Awards are in line with its directives and guidelines.

Lilizela Tourism Awards for Visitor Information Centres is the new category that will recognise excellence in various aspects of VIC operations and will consist of the sub-categories listed in the table below: customer service, most innovative and statistics.


Customer services

This will recognise the VIC that excels in the provision of visitor services and customer care. The considerations will include:

  • The type of information dissemination platforms and how efficient they are;
  • Visitor compliments through the use of visitor's book;
  • Public perceptions.

 Most innovative VIC

This will recognise the VIC that displays innovative and modern ways of addressing tourist requirements. The considerations will include:

  • Use of mobile phone technology;
  • Use of modern ways of accessing information e.g. Wi-Fi;


This will recognise the VIC that consistently captures; analyses and shares visitor statistics with the stakeholders. The considerations will include usefulness of the statistical reports produced:

  • Proof of capturing and analysis of visitor statistics over determined period of time;
  • Quality and viability of the statistics produced; Method(s) used to captured and analyse the statistics.