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Signs are a means of passing a message to a large number of people without having to be there yourself. A message is written down and placed where people passing by can read it. The message, maybe in words, but often a drawing or symbol is used to pass a common idea to people with very different backgrounds and languages, such as in a sign.

Tourism Signage comprises a hierarchy of road traffic signs to guide motorists to tourist destinations.  Legislation and guides motorists along the final stages of their journeys govern these types of signs. While these signs are not regarded as advertising, they nevertheless draw the attention of motorists to destinations encountered along a route.  A tourist sign normally consist of a white symbol and white text on a sign with a dark brown background.  The shape and the white border of a sign, as well as a white directional arrow on the sign depend on the type of tourism sign involved.  The symbol indicates the type of tourist destination involved, while the text serves to identify the specific tourist destination.  Only approved symbols may be displayed.  The text font and text size must also comply with what is prescribed in the Southern African Development Community Road Traffic Signs Manual.