With the world economic climate being volatile with a decline in monetary value in most international markets, the Markets Page focuses on examining emerging markets and market trends, giving insights on how to position the Tourism Sector in such a way as to effectively explore current opportunities. This page also examines domestic tourism, identifying ways of stimulating and engaging this lucrative market.



Recession ​across the globe has cause a shift in tourism practices. The demand to provide unique visitor experiences has led to growth niche tourism markets as they contribute significantly to growth and sustainability of the sector. As a result, tourism research has been focusing more on the various tourism forms that can offer that unique experience.
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The economic meltdown and our countries incorporation into the BRIC countries has introduced opportunities for our sectors, in this section browsers get insight on the report findings of the emerging markets in order to target and encourage holidaying in that markets.
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South Africa has just been received into the international and continental community and this presents benefits for tourism sector as the international markets is looking for the new destinations.This section presents browsers with the international statistics and forecasts to highlight trends of our international and regional markets​.
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