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2464Christian M. Rogerson2020Tourism development can be a vital component of place-based development initiatives in the global South. The nexus of tourism and place-based development thinking in the global South and of the role of local governments is only beginning to be investigated by tourism scholars. This article explores the record of using tourism assets in one South African local municipality for leveraging local economic development. Evidence is drawn from the experience of the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province. The research results point to an unimpressive record on the part of local government in directing the use of local assets for assisting tourism development. Several challenges are revealed to explain the underperformance of potentially valuable local assets in this municipality. Institutional and governance shortcomings, including widespread corruption, underpin the observed weaknesses both in the everyday workings of local government in relation to service delivery and infrastructure support as well as its inability to implement plans for local economic development. Well-meaning policies proposed for tourism development are not implemented variously for reasons of funding, lack of local support, lack of entrepreneurialism by the municipality and lack of ability to implement because of capacity issues. Potential state assets which could bolster tourism and local development outcomes are not being realized and in many cases the assets themselves are in a state of deterioration because of neglectJournal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-602020/07/22 11:04:51Using Municipal Tourism Assets for Leveraging Local Economic Development in South Africa University of Johannesburg, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Bunting Road Campus 20 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2547Christian M. Rogerson Jayne M. Rogerson2020One of the most under-researched facets of lodging is that which surrounds the niche of camping tourism. This review article traces trends and recent developments shaping international research on camping tourism. The analysis begins with a discussion of definitional and conceptual issues. Thereafter, the international spread of camping tourism as well as its local impacts for destinations is interrogated. The marginal role of camping in overall tourism studies scholarship is isolated. Key themes of concern in recent research are, inter alia, demand-side considerations; supply-side research; a distinctive scholarship on holiday camps and low-budget tourism; and, new innovations and management challenges which are associated with the changing character of camping tourism in many parts of the world. Knowledge gaps are identified in literature both in terms of the geography and thematic foci of camping tourism literature. Among knowledge gaps are the supply-side evolution of camping tourism, the role of private sector entrepreneurs, local development impacts and planning, and innovative management interventions for the sustainable development of camping tourism. Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-472020/03/09 08:01:11G G e e o o J J o o u u r r n n a a l l o o f f T T o o u u r r i i s s m m a a n n d d G G e e o o s s i i t t e e s s Year X X I I I I, vol. 28, no. 1 1, 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2349Christian M. Rogerson2019Peripheral tourism is a major theme for tourism scholars. This article contributes to the expanding international debates and writings surrounding ‘tourism in peripheries’ and of peripheral tourism development. It applies a longitudinal research approach towards the evolution of tourism in one particular marginal tourism region in the global South. The geographical focus is South Africa where the space economy exhibits a core-periphery structure. The paper traces the trajectory of tourism development which has occurred in one peripheral region of the country. The case study is of King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality in Eastern Cape province. This is an area of particular interest as it incorporates much of the territory that was the former Transkei homeland. The discussion shows that the historical growth of different forms of tourism in this municipality exhibits marked differences between its inland and coastal areas. Importantly, the contemporary tourism economy of this peripheral region shows signs of serious decline despite tourism being acknowledged as one of key drivers for local development.Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-542019/10/16 14:27:01G G e e o o J J o o u u r r n n a a l l o o f f T T o o u u r r i i s s m m a a n n d d G G e e o o s s i i t t e e s s Year X X I I I I, vol. 26, no. 3 3, 2 2 0 0 1 1 9 9 5 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2354Christian M. Rogerson Jayne M. Rogerson2019Inclusive tourism represents a concept which is attracting major interest in international literature and an increasing policy focus in South Africa. Public procurement is used in South Africa as a vehicle for supporting national development goals. Against the background of growing interest on the behalf of South Africa’s national government to utilize public procurement for leveraging a more inclusive development path the aim is to direct attention to the potential application of public procurement as a vehicle for enhanced inclusion in the country’s tourism sector. Three sections of discussion are presented. As essential context the first section reviews international debates around public procurement as a policy tool. The second section turns attention to ongoing South African debates and policy initiatives around the leveraging of public procurement. State assets are the focus in the third section and their use through public procurement as a potential policy vehicle for inclusive tourism development in South Africa. In terms of methodology the paper draws upon a critical analysis of international experience of procurement, a review and analysis of policy documents, and published and unpublished data on immovable state assets that can be applied potentially in using public procurement for inclusive tourism development in South Africa. The central argument is multiple opportunities exist for public procurement to lever state assets in support of the goals of inclusive tourism development in South Africa.Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-552019/07/31 12:29:09G G e e o o J J o o u u r r n n a a l l o o f f T T o o u u r r i i s s m m a a n n d d G G e e o o s s i i t t e e s s Year X X I I I I, vol. 26, no. 3 3, 2 2 0 0 1 1 9 9 6 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2412Vyasha Harilal Siyabulela Nyikana2019South African policy has identified the need for the tourism sector to undergo transformation, especially in relation to the black ownership of tourism companies. However, in reality the above has not taken place at the pace that the government desired, owing to various challenges. Of particular concern has been the uncertain nature of the effective linkages between large enterprises and smaller, black-owned enterprises, in relation to the opportunities that the large enterprises present for mutual benefit and participation in the tourism value chain. The current study aims at determining the main factors that inhibit large enterprises from establishing such long-lasting business linkages with black-owned SMMEs, for the sustainable development of South Africa’s tourism industry. A qualitative research design was adopted in conducting the study. Through a series of interviews with large tourism enterprises, the study reveals a number of factors that impede cooperation between large and small tourism enterprises. Among others are the negative perceptions that are held by large businesses regarding the capacity and resourcing of small black enterprises, as well as the lack of access between the two, linked to the procurement patterns of large enterprises, in particular. The study, therefore, proposes some potential strategies for nationwide adoption, which might serve to improve cooperation between the large and small enterprises for the overall benefit of the South African tourism industry, thereby forming sustainable linkages between the dominant large enterprises and the smaller, blackowned tourism SMMEs.Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-502020/07/22 11:13:55See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Factors inhibiting large enterprises from establishing 9 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2556Diane Abrahams2019Transformation is regarded as a national imperative in South Africa to deal with the inequalities of the past. Several pieces of legislation, policies and codes have been instituted to drive the process in the country. The question, however, remains whether the transformation process has resulted in a compliance culture or if indeed it is aspirational in driving change that is forward thinking, innovative and truly all inclusive. The travel and tourism sector is a sector that can provide access to the economy for many in terms of job creation and entrepreneurial opportunities. In South Africa, the National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) which provides a blueprint for the tourism sector, places transformation at the centre of the changes required to grow the sector. The aim of the paper is to analyse the transformation processes underway in the tourism sector in South Africa and the impact that this may have had on promoting growth and access in the sector. In terms of international tourism scholarship this paper debates a distinctive dimension of the tourism sector in South Africa, namely the processes and progress around transformation.Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-582020/07/22 11:22:17See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: TRANSFORMATION OF THE TOURISM SECTOR IN SOUTH AFRICA: A 22 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2530Maisa C Adinolfi Monique Jacobs Tembi M Tichaawa2018This study explored the experiences and perceptions of transformation within the tourism value chain in the South African context. Through a series of focus group discussions (FGDs) held with relevant stakeholders and small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs), the paper reveals key factors related to promoting and prohibiting the active participation of blackowned SMMEs in the tourism value chain, including opportunities for collaboration with large enterprises; exposure to the industry; policies, procedures and the business practices of large enterprises; and government-related matters. The paper concludes that factors prohibiting the active participation of black-owned SMMEs in the tourism value chain far outweigh those that promote it. It is recommended that, if transformation is to occur in the tourism sector, more attention than in the past needs to be paid to the potential that black-owned SMMEs hold, through securing careful and committed collaboration between all stakeholders in the tourism value chain. Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-592020/07/22 11:18:44See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Unpacking Factors Limiting and Promoting Black-owned SMMEs 9 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2334Robin Nunkoo Viraiyan Teeroovengadum Christian M. Ringle Vivek Sunnassee2017This research contributes to customer satisfaction knowledge with regard to accommodation in South Africa whose star grading differs. A multi-group analysis and an importance-performance map analysis by means of PLS-SEM allow us to differentiate between service quality performance scores and their influences on customer satisfaction across accommodation with a different star grading. The two most important predictors of satisfaction with one-star and two-star category accommodation are the accommodation infrastructure and the employee expertise. Both predictors were found to have relatively low levels of performance. Safety and security and room quality are two significant determinants of satisfaction with three-star establishments, although they under-perform with regard to safety and security. In respect of four-star and five-star accommodation, waiting time and customer interaction, both of which have above average performance scores, influence customer satisfaction. We provide specific guidelines for managerial interventions to improve service quality and guests’ satisfaction for each grading categoryJournal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-572020/07/22 11:17:16Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Hospitality Management journal homepage: Service quality and customer satisfaction 4 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2417Robin Nunkoo Viraiyan Teeroovengadum Peta Thomas Llewellyn Leonard2017Purpose The study conceptualizes service quality as a second-order factor and analyzes its influence on customer satisfaction, perceived value, image, consumption emotions, and customer loyalty by testing a structural equation model. Design/methodology/approach The model is tested using data collected from 672 guests staying in accommodation establishments located in South Africa. The study follows a hierarchical approach using confirmatory factor analysis to test the second-order factor model and structural equation modeling to test the overall model. Findings The results indicate that the second-order factor model is acceptable both empirically as well as conceptually and performs better than other competing models of service quality. Findings provide support for all hypotheses and evidence of a structural model with a high explanatory power. Research limitations/implications The second-order factor model is less useful when fine-grained analyses are needed, such as when a detailed assessment of the level of quality of service offered by a hospitality organization is required. Practical implications The second-order service quality model allows for analysis at different levels of abstraction. Accommodation managers interested in customers’ evaluation of service on a cumulative basis can make use of the global measure to determine service quality evaluations. Practitioners can also use the findings to manage the different dimensions of service quality. Originality/value The study demonstrates that service quality is best represented as a second-order factor, and in doing so, it provides an improved measurement of the construct. More so, by integrating the variable in a nomological network, the research develops a more parsimonious model than existing ones.Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-522020/07/22 11:12:26See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Integrating service quality as a second-order factor in a 6 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf
2451David Maralack Kamilla Swart Urmilla Bob2017The Western Cape Government (WCG) developed an Integrated Events Strategy for Cape Town and the Western Cape, supporting events to maximise brand building potential and triple bottom line benefits. WCG acknowledges that assessing the impacts of events in the province has become increasingly complex and there is a lack of a standardised methodology to measure the economic, social and environmental impacts. The WCG thus undertook research to develop a standardised set of indicators and methodological approach by which the impact of five annual, jewel (or iconic) events supported by the WCG could be measured. The first phase of the study focused on the development of the indicators and piloting a range of survey instruments for the various event stakeholders, including the stallholders/ exhibitors, service providers and the event organisers. The second phase of the study covered piloting of attendees’ and sponsor surveys as well as refining the surveys piloted during phase one. Phase two of the study also included the validation of the methodology for an event impact assessment tool to be shared with the smaller (incubator) events also supported by the WCG. The findings of the study ill assist policy and decision-makers to develop more effective measuring tools to assist in the systematic evaluation of social, economic, environmental and governance indicators for events. The study contributes to deepening the analysis of the social ecology of a collaborative approach between government departments, private sector and ancillary stakeholders in effective event evaluation. Furthermore, the study analyses the roles, responsibilities and interests of multiple stakeholders in measuring impacts of events in the Western Cape, focusing on advantages, challenges and consequences of an integrated evaluation approach.Journal ArticleN4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-492017/07/07 08:51:56African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES), June 2017 (Supplement), pp. 184-197 Development of a standardised methodology for event impact assessments in 5 Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspxpdfFalsepdf