| 2421 | Cwibi Mzukisi
Silo Mandisa
Nyathela-Sunday Tshinakaho
| 2023 | Reward systems are important tools that management can use to motivate employees; the main objective of
organizations in awarding rewards is to attract and retain efficient, productive, and motivated employees. However, there is
no evidence available regarding managers' perceptions of employee rewards in five-star hotels in Cape Town. Therefore,
this study aims to explore the perceptions of five-star hotel managers about the reward systems offered to employees.
Further, this paper attempts to explore the influence and impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the employee reward systems
offered at five-star hotels. A total of 14 interviews were conducted with managers working in four selected five-star hotels.
The study used semi-structured interviews to collect qualitative data. The data were analysed using Creswell’s six steps. The
study's findings indicate that managers offered distinct types of rewards to their employees, including extrinsic and intrinsic
rewards. Managers revealed that extrinsic rewards, specifically money, are the most preferred rewards. The study revealed
that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic led to hotels adjusting their employee reward systems to offer less extrinsic
rewards and more intrinsic rewards. This paper concludes by recommending strategies to hotel management for enhancing
the type of rewards offered to employees and offering utilisation of effective intrinsic rewards. This is to ensure that
employees increase their value towards intrinsic rewards as much as they value extrinsic rewards Implications for future
research are also presented. | | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-119 | | | | | | | | | | | 2023/05/25 10:44:19 | What do Hotel Managers Think of Employee Rewards An Exploration of Five-Star Hotels In Cape Town Mzukisi Cwibi, Mandisa Silo and Tshinakaho Nyathela-Sunday | 4 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2517 | Hill Keano Lyle
Bama Hilary | 2022 | This study considers tourists' perspectives on the Critical Success Factors for guided tours in the Western Cape
Province of South Africa. Guided tours and tourism destinations are inseparable, with such guided tours often
being sought after for their power to improve tourist satisfaction and envisioned to enhance visitors' experience
and impact tourism growth at destinations. The success of such guided tours is often premised on several factors,
which when present, would influence visitors' propensity to recommend, revisit and make future destination
choices. Such factors play a critical role in determining whether visitors would consider guided or self-led
excursions. Understanding the Critical Success Factors for guided tours is essential as it makes it easier for tourism
suppliers to channel efforts toward tourist satisfaction. Using a structured questionnaire, 451 tourists participating
in guided tours in the Western Cape Province of South Africa were surveyed to ascertain the Critical Success
Factors for guided tours. The study revealed that safety, knowledgeable guides, and pricing remain critical in the
success of guided tours. The study highlights the critical factors considered essential for the success of guided
excursions and the areas that require improvement. Following an analysis of the study’s findings,
recommendations for effective guided tours for the tourism industry were proposed. | | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-117 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared%20Documents/Critical%20factors%20report%20Hill_Keano.pdf?csf=1&e=QhCwPi | | Dissertation | | | | | | | | 2022/10/05 09:04:24 | African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. ISSN: 2223-814X August 2022, Vol 11, No 4, pp. 1502-1519 1502 AJHTL Open Access - Online @ www.ajhtl.com | 13 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2552 | Silwana Monwabisi
Dube Cynthia Nokubonga
| 2022 | Municipalities are at the lowest level of Government, and it
is where the actual implementation of tourism policies takes
place. District municipalities and communities globally
often face poorly planned development projects resulting
from inefficient and ineffective policy and planning
implementation. One of the reasons for this is that there
is, at times, a lack of participation by key stakeholders.
The success of tourism development policies and their
implementation rests on the involvement of all relevant
stakeholders. This study adopted a qualitative research
approach whereby purposive and snowball sampling
methods were used to identify the research sample
from the research population. The research population
included the district municipality staff, regional and local
tourism organisations, also known as tourism forums,
tourism development agencies, and the rural planning
and economic development departments. Consequently,
fourteen (14) semi-structured interviews were conducted
with key stakeholders from the district municipality, local
municipalities, tourism organisations and Eastern Cape
Parks Tourism Agency. A thematic analysis technique was
used to analyse the data. This study focused on stakeholder
involvement in the development and implementation of
tourism policies in the O.R Tambo District Municipality
(ORTDM). The key findings from the study revealed that
there is a lack of stakeholder collaboration in development
and the implementation of tourism-related policies in
ORTDM. | | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-118 | | | | | | | | | | | 2022/12/30 16:54:37 | District municipalities and communities globally often face poorly planned development projects resulting from inefficient and ineffective policy and planning implementation | 2 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2352 | Mabaleka, Nolwazi
Ntloko, Ncedo
Swart, Kamilla | 2020 | Coastal and marine tourism is a sector that draws visitors from around the globe to South Africa. This is largely because of an array of marine wildlife resources found in the country. Despite this strong pull factor, there is limited information on the economic value of the marine environment. This article focuses on establishing the profiles of visitors taking part in shark cage diving in Gansbaai. Such profiling will facilitate the understanding of the potential target market of CMT visitors to Gansbaai, whilst contributing towards targeted developments in the area aimed at capturing the economic value of such visitors through the provision of a range of visitor-specific activities to make the destination more appealing. It will also contribute to further developments in the area, in providing a wide range of activities to make the destination more appealing. In ascertaining the profile of visitors, a quantitative research design was adopted. A total of n = 378 self-administered questionnaires were collected from visitors taking part in shark cage diving using a face-to-face proportionate sampling technique. The results revealed that a majority of visitors were drawn to Gansbaai because of shark cage diving and that a large portion travelled to Gansbaai for holiday purposes. There was a challenge in the ability of the destination to attract overnight visitors because of a limited product offering in the area. As a result, minimal spending occurs in Gansbaai as an overwhelming majority of the visitors are day visitors. These results have implications for tourists, tourism destination planners, tour operators and tourism establishments in Gansbaai. | Cape Peninsula University of Technology | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-81 | | | | | | | | | | | 2020/12/02 13:37:32 | http://www.td-sa.net Open AccessThe Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa ISSN: (Online) 2415-2005, (Print) 1817-4434 Page 1 of 7 Original ResearchRead online | 6 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2420 | Gounden, Rivoni
Munien, Suveshnee
Gounden, Dinolen
Perry, Ntwademela | 2020 | Current research on Coastal and Marine Tourism (CTM) in South Africa focuses on two main coastal tourism provinces (KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape) as well as specific CMT activities such as whale watching and shark cage diving. This study, therefore, contributes to the body of knowledge on CMT by focusing on the Eastern Cape and undertaking a provincial level analysis. Coastal and Marine Tourism location visitor profiles in terms of socio-economic profile, types of CMT visitors, types of CMT activities participated and future interest in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. CMT encompasses activities and resources in and near coastal and marine areas that attract visitors who participate in a range of active and passive business, adventure, leisure and recreational activities that generate socio-economic and environmental benefits. A quantitative approach is adopted, drawing on 700 visitor surveys that were conducted at purposively selected CMT locations in the Eastern Cape. Visitors were from a range of socio-economic backgrounds. There were high levels of participation in CMT activities, especially coastal leisure and recreational activities. Results indicate increased CMT location visitation demand. From a sustainability and responsible tourism perspective, understanding who visits CMT sites assists in ensuring effective planning to manage demand and protect/ conserve coastal and marine resources. | University of KwaZulu-Natal | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-82 | | | | | | | | | | | 2020/12/11 13:41:22 | African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. ISSN: 2223-814X Visitor Profiles of Coastal and Marine Tourism Sites in the Eastern Cape, South Africa | 7 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2351 | Munien, Suveshnee
Gumede, Amanda
Gounden, Rivoni
Bob, Urmilla | 2019 | Cape Town, one of South Africa’s key coastal tourism destinations, provides a useful case study to examine visitor profiles in Coastal and Marine Tourism (CMT) sites. Nine hundred and seven visitor surveys were completed in purposively selected CMT locations in Cape Town. The main findings reveal that there is diversity among visitors frequenting CMT sites in Cape Town in terms of type of visitor, gender, population group, age, educational level and economic status. Visitors participated in a range of CMT activities and indicated an interest to participate in future activities. Furthermore, high levels of satisfaction with the CMT activities and locations were evident which suggests that a growing demand for CMT activities in Cape Town which needs to be managed. Examining visitor profiles, perceptions, preferences and experiences is important to improve planning and management of these destinations to ensure long-term sustainability. | University of KwaZulu-Natal | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-79 | | | | | | | | | | | 2019/12/04 13:32:10 | G G e e o o J J o o u u r r n n a a l l o o f f T T o o u u r r i i s s m m a a n n d d G G e e o o s s i i t t e e s s Year X X I I I I, vol. 27, no. 4 4, 2 2 0 0 1 1 9 9 | 17 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2415 | Spencer, John
Bavuma, Zimkita | 2018 | Events are happenings that embody certain objectives. Business events, event-tourism, special interest tourism (SIT) sport events and festivals comprise the three general types of events that attract most attention. Design Indaba (DI) is one of the world’s leading design and business events; launched in 1995 as a conference but incorporating an Expo from 2004. The DI Expo triggered a need for a ‘buyer and exhibitor’ interaction and led to the launch of the DI Buyer’s Day, a programme aimed at bringing buyers and exhibitors together on a day set aside especially for buyers to view the products and services offered at the Expo before the general public attended the DI. The study sought to identify the economic contribution of the DI Buyer’s Day programme to the event, to buyers, exhibitors, and to Cape Town as a tourist destination. All registered buyers were interviewed postevent via electronic mail, while exhibitors were surveyed at the Cape Town International Convention Centre during the Expo of 2014. The study adopted a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research using a stratified sample of the participants. The findings showed that both buyers and exhibitors regarded the programme as a significant platform to build their brands and access future business opportunities. However, emerging creatives and entrepreneurs felt that they needed additional pre-event assistance/training to be able to maximise the opportunity to make connections with buyers who view their products and/or services. | Cape Peninsula University of Technology | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-77 | | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/SeminarDocs/How%20Important%20are%20MICE%20to%20the%20Tourism%20Industry.pdf?csf=1&e=aQ232T | | Poster Exhibition | | | | | | | 2018/07/26 11:58:46 | The Business and Management Review, Volume 9 Number 4 July 2018 8 th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy, 9-10 th July 2018, University of Oxford, UK | 15 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2348 | Tavuyanago, Baxter | 2017 | When Gonarezhou was declared a game sanctuary in 1934, there followed concerted efforts to remove all people resident in the park-designated area. This was a process that gained traction from the mid-1950s and was only accomplished in 1968. This study interrogates the various responses of the Shangaan to their displacement from Gonarezhou National Park (GNP), a terrain they called home. Three case studies are used to illustrate the varied reactions. The forced removals are examined in the broader discourse of the history of colonial conquest, land alienation and African resistance to colonially-imposed projects. By interrogating archival sources, oral testimonies and secondary literature, the study contends that the Shangaan of southeastern Zimbabwe put up stiff resistance to eviction from the land of their ancestors. It also notes that while literature on the history of national parks in Zimbabwe abounds, the subject of Shangaan eviction experiences has attracted limited academic scholarship. This article seeks to augment the knowledge on Shangaan contest for the control of the Gonarezhou terrain during the period from 1957 to 1968. | University of Pretoria | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-78 | | | | | | | | | | | 2020/11/12 20:03:35 | Historia 62, 2, November 2017, pp 46-67 How to cite this article: B. Tavuyanago, “Our fathers and grandfathers were born here… Shangaan eviction experiences from the Gonarezhou | 8 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2310 | Ismail, Shameelah
Swart, Kamila
Ntloko, Ncedo | 2014 | This study focuses on the impact of the Breedekloof Outdoor and Wine Festival on established businesses in the Breedekloof region in the Breede Valley of the Western Cape Province, South Africa. The Breede Valley region is located in the Cape Winelands District near Cape Town. The event industry in this region is relatively undiscovered but in recent years has been revealed to be a major catalyst for tourism and economic development. It is therefore vital to ascertain the association between established businesses and the hosting of events to determine whether businesses in the region benefit from this festival. The article highlights whether the festival created opportunities for business growth and whether businesses seized the opportunities the event created. Established businesses consisted of wine cellars/estates, accommodation establishments, restaurants/cafés and travel and tour operators. Quantitative methods, specifically survey questionnaires were used and administered to 22 established businesses in the Breedekloof region, using census sampling. The results demonstrated that most established businesses did not take advantage of the festival as an opportunity to increase sales and create publicity and these businesses were indeed those that saw no change in revenue. Leveraging business opportunities presented by an event may be beneficial and should not be overlooked. | Cape Peninsula University of Technology | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-80 | | | | | | | | | | | 2016/07/12 08:00:31 | African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure SPECIAL EDITION Vol. 5 (3) - (2016) ISSN: 2223814X Copyright: © 2014 AJHTL - Open Access- Online @ http//: www.ajhtl.com | 4 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |
| 2456 | Wyllie, Richard | 2014 | Many famous battles have left legacies and these have often created a sense of nostalgia motivating people to visit associated sites. Battlefields and other sites of “death and decay” have increased as a popular sub-sector of the fast growing heritage and cultural tourism industry. Battlefields, and other sites associated with war, have been studied by scholars from a variety of disciplines. In more recent times, tourism professionals and academics have begun to study battlefields and their associated histories for the purpose of developing and promoting them as tourist attractions. This has resulted in a distinct link between the historical and tourism sectors. In this paper, the Battle of Spioenkop (KwaZulu-Natal) will be discussed as an example of how history and a battle site in particular can contribute to the development of tourism. | | Journal Article | | N4FUYHAX2DSF-245590710-76 | | | | | | | | | | | 2020/11/12 20:02:40 | Places and landscapes may also be considered as historical sources and include mountains, sacred areas and historical buildings These localities are important as they may contain | 6 | https://tkp.tourism.gov.za/ResearchRepo/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx | pdf | False | pdf | | | |